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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Went to the Doctor this morning. I got two shots, eww needles.
hummm it's raining and in two more days it's my bf and i's one year anniversary.
I'm going to see if I can get coachella tickets, can't miss that.
I now have a polaroid wall in my room, i'll take a picture soon.
So poor, so broke right now.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I will not let a stupid crazy ass bitch steal money from me again. It was mostly my fault because I am so nice and shit. No work till saturday, and I get out at 3:00 too! party-time! aii I need to stop my self destructing ways. My addictions are my only way out of reality, sadly. I love my baby, my baby. I'd do almost anything for him :]